mercredi 25 mai 2016

COMMON PAIN, acute & chronic and Mesopuncture Acupuncture

COMMON PAIN, acute & chronic and Mesopuncture Acupuncture
Indeed acupuncture is a substantial help in the treatment of pain for human beings.

Indeed acupuncture is a substantial help in the treatment of pain for human beings.
In daily medicine, common pain is, essentially, of both origin from members and spine.
. For this,  Acupuncture Points_ APs dedicated must be activated with/without needles. 
Among the needle-free stimuli are described, laser, massage, Moxas, microwaves… 

Stimulation of active APs on pain is achieved essentially by insertion and manipulation of needles into the AP, creating the 'Acupuncture Effect' which is a set of energetic properties attributed by the Chinese texts, to each AP stimulated, contributing to restoration of the body's energy balance, damaged by disease.

The Acupuncture effect lasts 2-3 days and insertion of the needles should be repeated as well as the time required for each consultation, its financial cost and mainly the insertion of needles pain.

Moreover, Chinese medicine could not ignore and has not ignored, the progress of Western medicine which could benefit to its Patients.

·                     Chinese medicine published, at the last century end, in the ‘Précis d’Acupuncture Chinoise’ in French language, edited by the Chinese Medicine Academy in Beijing, under the title: Therapeutic by injection into Acupuncture Points, the possibility of stimulating the AP by a liquid drug, to perform a fluid stimulus of the AP, then known as Mesopuncture.

Mesopuncture is currently booming in certain Academies of Chinese Medicine in China.
The liquid drug is either injected with a needle or needleless and deposited in the AP:
·                     The liquid drug stimulates the AP and creates the Acupuncture Effect whose duration depends on the physicochemical structure of the liquid drug, its removal rate of the Human Body...

The pharmacological properties of the selected liquid drug and their duration, also depending on its physicochemical structure, described in the  Pharmacopeia are kept in Mesopuncture, producing the Pharmacological Effect.

         In the case of pain by osteoarthritis it can be selected an anti-inflammatory liquid drug. The pharmacological action of this liquid drug on osteoarthritis and pain is synergic of its Acupuncture Effect, also active on osteoarthritis and pain but by correction of the imbalance of energy, when it is injected in the dedicated AP.
There are anti-inflammatory drugs, whose Pharmacological Effect is synergistic of the Acupuncture Effect they produce, when injected into the AP and whose duration of action is 3-4 weeks.
There are no, at present, anti-inflammatory of a longer duration of action, withsynergistic effects both by Acupuncture and Pharmacology.

 It is thus possible to obtain stimuli of longer duration by using liquid drugs injected into the AP, whose Acupuncture effect is very long, several weeks or months, without adverse pharmacological effect as hyaluronic acid.

It may be noted the proximity of hyaluronic acid stimulus and catgut burial into the APs or auricular titanium implants for weight loss or Parkinson's disease.

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