jeudi 9 février 2017

What is Mesopuncture? N°2

What is Mesopuncture? N°2

It is the liquid drug in Acupuncture point, with the BMN device or iontophoresis process. Mesopuncture detailed.

Advantages of combining Acupuncture and Mesopuncture
         First these two actions can be carried out during the same consultation with the same injection vector, the BMN.
         It seems moreover, that the most tangible benefit of using the medicine in Acupuncture is the possibility to act on the length of the ‘Acupuncture Effect’ like the titanium implants in Auriculoterapia or the catgut burial into the APs.
A drug in AP, injected or deposited, is a more practical way.

Certain drugs can lengthen stimulation duration of the AP in a tangible way.  Is it that the two actions of the drug can be separated on the one hand the 'Pharmacological Effect' and on the other hand the 'Acupuncture Effect ' and especially the duration of this effect?
o   Hyaluronic Acid is known to have an action of 'comfort' in aesthetics, without major adverse effect described on health but of lasting action, several months.
In the AP, the HA produces an Acupuncture Effect, of same duration as the 'Pharmacological Effect' but in this case, the possible improvement of aesthetic problems, would not be an obstacle to the use of HA to get a prolonged Acupuncture Effect during several Months.
It is a virtual separation between the 'Acupuncture Effect' and the 'Pharmacological Effect' both held by the physicochemical structure of the drug. 
o   Is it that all drugs are eligible?
 All drugs are eligible, including the drug without notable, as distilled water or saline, therapeutic activity...
o   How to optimize the double needle insertion pain, knowing that if it is acceptable for an AP, it becomes uncomfortable when it comes to several APs?
Saving the insertion of multiple needles at the same point and privileging the use of a single and same needle inserted in the same AP, are two solutions

 *-* Or choose the needleless acupuncture-Mesopuncture version: La Mesopuncture performed by Iontophoresis and Acupuncture by massage, heat waves etc.
*-* Either the BMN is used, it is the best solution: the BMN is a simple device, an acupuncture needle, 0.3 in diameter, hollow, topped by a reservoir running as a dropper, filled/emptied according to two fingers pressure on the reservoir. It does not prevent dorsal or ventral decubitus. The needle is inserted into the PA, it will remain twenty minutes after which, are injected few drops of the drug filling the reservoir not only in the AP but also, in the dermis around the AP to create Mesotherapy Points _ MPs.
The BMN with one and the same insertion of the same needle has allowed the realization of both versions of Chinese medicine and a new way of injecting drugs, Mesotherapy.   
o   Why BMN is an acupuncture needle, however?
Because to be an acupuncture needle, the needle must have a handle and precisely the reservoir is the handle necessary to properly perform acupuncture.
o   How is the consultation developed?
The BMN needle is inserted into the AP, the patient’s consultation is followed in any decubitus. 
At the end of the time needed to the stimulus of the needle, inserted in the AP, to be complete (20 minutes), a few drops of the contents of the reservoir are injected into the AP for the liquid stimulus or Mesopuncture.
 Knowing that MPs are created in all part of the dermis even around the AP, some drops of drug from the BMN reservoir are injected, around the AP, in the dermis according to a star shaped, to create multiple drug reservoirs which are the MPs: it has been able, in this way, to perform the Mesotherapy Acupuncture Mesopuncture set or MAM with a single insertion pain of a single needle, in the skin.

BMN helps to optimize multiple needle insertion pain.

mercredi 8 février 2017

In cosmetics, aesthetics, daily medicine, N°1, the treatment ignores the Acupuncture

In cosmetics, aesthetics, daily medicine, N°1, the treatment ignores the Acupuncture Point: Advantages of the Professional stimulus.  

Treatments and care in aesthetics or daily medicine (Mesotherapy massage ' ointment' ' laser botox, hyaluronic acid etc.) involuntarily ignore the presence of Acupuncture Points_ APs, on which the same treatment or care programmed in advance and applied more rigorously, allows adding the therapeutic virtues of Acupuncture to the chosen treatment.
To help diminish with non-invasive methods certain health, aesthetic or body shape disorders, it is useful to gather several therapeutic modes such as the association of two versions of Chinese medicine (Acupuncture and Mesopuncture) and a mode of western drug administration (Mesotherapy) whose value depends on the efficacy of the drug chosen and used by the Therapist.

This article is an overview of the set MAM or Mesotherapy Acupuncture Mesopuncture
This set was born, because
·                    In the skin, the reference Point, with systematized location and recognized by the world community, is the Acupuncture Point or AP, necessary to perform Acupuncture and Mesopuntura, around which Mesotherapy Points_ MPs are created.
·                    There is a tangle between the Acupuncture Points APs already located and the Mesotherapy Points MPs that can be created in the dermis of the whole area between two neighboring APs and so neighbors that they can be adjacent.
·                    It is an easy opportunity to add the benefit of each therapeutic mode. 
It is the possibility of using the same device, same liquid drug, same inserted needle, for performing Mesopuncture/acupuncture on the one hand, and Mesotherapy on the other hand.

Some data on the components of the MAM
n    Acupuncture
The Acupuncture Point _ AP is common to Acupuncture and Mesopuncture. Its domain is not according to Pr. LANGEVIN, limited to a point, at the surface of the skin, it is a path systematized from the epidermis, by a skin spot 5mm diameter to the subcutaneous connective tissue.

·                    Indeed, according to two authors:
The sensitivity of the skin, at the surface of the AP, though being deep, makes part of the AP.
In histology the AP is described, as a well beginning in the epidermis and ending in the connective tissue. It is so, any stimulation with needles/without needles, starting at the skin covering the AP is AP stimulus.
In the current conception of Acupuncture the connective tissue is involved.

The AP is stimulated
·                    Externally, applied at the skin surface where the AP is located: Moxas, laser, wave, pulsed light, massage, heat,
·                    Internally, applied into the skin thickness, by minimally invasive method, with compact needles inserted into various levels of depth.  A metallic stimulation or Acupuncture is performed.
·                     The liquid drug performs a liquid stimulus of the AP or Mesopuncture, in addition to its therapeutic action.

n    Mesopuncture
Mesopuncture, initiated by the Chinese medicine since the last century end, is the AP, of systematized topography, stimulus by a liquid drug neutral or with therapeutic activity, to ' enhance’, the classical metallic AP stimulation. 
It was done with a syringe and a hollow needle inserted into the AP already stimulated by the classical and compact acupuncture needle. 
To avoid the discomfort of two successive needle insertions, were left, in situ, in the several APs, syringe and needle or only needles injection: It was uncomfortable and prevented the dorsal decubitus.

Professionals without authorization to insert needles were excluded.

Hyaluronic acid, Botox, unexpected improvements & Mesopuncture.

Hyaluronic acid, Botox, unexpected improvements & Mesopuncture.  

 Since few months, in social networks, about aesthetic or anti-ageing treatments or in medical spas, comments are published on the beneficial collateral effects of Hyaluronic Acid injections _ HA or BOTOX: Improvement of depressive signs, migraine, headaches, knee pain, sinusitis etc.…
It is likely that the observed improvement is due, perhaps and in part, to injection of a liquid drug into a skin point, which, without being necessarily an Acupuncture point _ AP of local action, has the same therapeutic properties but of lesser intensity.

This 'Therapeutic Acupuncture Effect’, hereafter called 'Acupuncture Effect' was described by the Traditional Chinese Medicine _ TCM, when stimulating this skin point known / unknown as AP.
Duration of this ‘Acupuncture Effect ' depends on duration of stimulation by the liquid drug injected into the AP: It is the same than its duration of elimination from the body.

§  About Acupuncture
**- For millennia are described in the thickness of the skin Acupuncture Points _ APs, interconnected by meridians.
Recent research, Prof. LANGEVIN, involve the connective tissue in Acupuncture as well in its structure, as at the functional level.
According to Prof. LANGEVIN, there is an anatomical correspondence of APs and meridians to connective tissue planes. The network of APs and meridians may be viewed as a representation of the network formed by interstitial connective tissue.
LANGEVIN and Al. propose that the anatomical relationship of APs and meridians to connective tissue planes is relevant to acupuncture's mechanism of action, also.

**- APs stimulation
The APs should be activated /stimulated:
·         By needle (classic Acupuncture).
·         By a liquid drug, with/without therapeutic activity (Mesopuncture).
·         Both by needle and liquid drug, potentiating the Acupuncture effect of each mode of stimulus.
Note: The BMN, we manufacture, allows performing Acupuncture and Mesopuncture (as well as Mesotherapy), once its needle inserted into the skin.

** Two ways of stimulation are possible
External: Moxas laser, massage, magnets for Acupuncture , iontophoresis for Mesopuncture …
Internal: Conventional Compact acupuncture needle for Traditional Acupuncture and injecting a liquid drug for  Mesopuncture. 
** The stimulation causes cellular and extracellular matrix changes that propagate using connective tissue pathways (Langevin).
‘These changes may occur no matter where the needle is placed but may be enhanced when the needle is placed at APs”, Pr. LANGEVIN.
This explains that, without precise knowledge of the location of the AP, the Therapist can achieve the '’Acupuncture effect”.

**- The AP is selected either for its local acupuncture effect, symptomatic or for its regional or general acupuncture effect and resulting in these last two cases, from a line of reasoning requiring expertise in Acupuncture.
The AP of local action requires no special knowledge in Acupuncture but training in Human Anatomy. They are located in the immediate vicinity of the injured area and are generally easily accessible.
§  About Mesopuncture
In Mesopuncture, the liquid drug is active by its physicochemical structure, at the origin of both the therapeutic effect recognized by the western pharmacopeia and the Acupuncture effect recognized by the TCM, performed by stimulating the selected AP.
The BMN, we manufacture, allows to perform Acupuncture and Mesopuncture (as well as Mesotherapy), once the needle inserted into the skin.
·         It is possible in Mesopuncture, using the long duration of elimination of certain liquid drug, to produce a long stimulus of an AP at the expense of its therapeutic effect known as for aesthetics or comfort of the Patient.
In general the liquid drug is injected into an AP which stimulation causes an Acupuncture Effect synergistic of the own pharmacological effect of the liquid drug injected.

This pharmacological effect is undoubtedly beneficial in Mesopuncture.
It is ensured by
·         Liquid drugs with rapid elimination or rapid duration of stimulation of the AP identical to the length of stimulation by the metal needle, i.e. a few days.
Stimulation of the AP by this liquid drug injection added:
 its acupuncture effect to the acupuncture effect of the acupuncture needle already inserted and
its own pharmacological effect synergistic to the Acupuncture effect.

The injection should be repeated after a few days. These are the liquid drugs, commonly used in daily medicine.
** Stimulation of short duration by a liquid drug has the advantage of potentiating the metal stimulus by a liquid stimulus while preserving the pharmacological properties of the liquid drug but the downside is the repetition of acupuncture sessions  according to the classical scheme.
·         The long acting liquid drugs of slow release are less numerous.
 Their therapeutic effect, also used in practice, is remarkable in very specific areas: Pain, osteoarthritis, for example. They have a lifetime of 3 weeks.
They are currently the subject of warnings about side effects; their use, in Mesopuncture as a stimulant of the AP, for few weeks cannot be applied to areas other than those recommended by the western pharmacopoeia.
·         The liquid drugs so-called of comfort, HA and Botox are easier to handle. The elimination time is long, few months; Injected into an AP, they have a long duration of stimulation. Their specific therapeutic effect and potential side effects are known.
The long-lasting effect by few drops of these liquid drugs, stimulating the AP, depends on the properties recognized at this AP by the MTC.
§  Deposited in an AP dealing with facial aesthetics, the acupuncture effect will be synergistic of the therapeutic effect and of same duration.
Filed in an AP dealing with sinusitis or pain, only its long-term effect in acupuncture will be privileged, the non-harmful therapeutic effect will not be a contraindication to its use in this pathology: Thus, it is possible to explain, by the MTC, the beneficial collateral effects of injection of this liquid drug of aesthetic use.
§  The possibility of obtaining a long-term stimulus of APs selected for their action on a given condition, permits to space acupuncture sessions and improve some drawbacks of a close repetition of acupuncture sessions: Financial weight, loss of time, fear of needles delaying consultation etc.

Micro-invasive or topical analgesia, N°1, by Mesopuncture, Acupuncture

Micro-invasive or topical analgesia, N°1, by Mesopuncture, Acupuncture  

For topical analgesics, crossing the skin barrier by the various molecules of painkillers of the pharmacopoeia as well as imprecision of the available and effective analgesic volume after crossing this barrier, limit their expansion as topical analgesics.
  • Topical and micro-invasive versions of Acupuncture and Mesopuncture are another option for common pain treatment.
In Acupuncture, energy balance, the yin-yang balance, sign of good health, is broken with any affection, like common pain. To restore this balance and help the pain sedation, it is necessary to activate specific skin points, the Acupuncture Points _ APs. This activation (stimulation) creates the Acupuncture Effect and helps the pain relief by rebalancing the body's energy.

Acupuncture, anatomically and functionally involves the connective tissue. 
Pr. LANGEVIN, described the AP as a path of preferred, direct and reliable access to the large volume of connective tissue that represents the AP. 
Pr. SENELAR described the AP as a wells beginning in the connective tissue and open to the surface of the skin.

To create the analgesic ‘Acupuncture effect’, it is necessary to
*- Locate the Acupuncture Points _ APs, defined by Chinese medicine as being ‘painkiller’ (pain relief) for a given pathology.
*- The APs, once located, are activated -or stimulated- to create the Acupuncture Effect pain-relief (painkiller…)
·         Usually,
In classical Acupuncture, the stimulus is performed
By internal way: The compact metal acupuncture needle, 0.3mm diameter.
By external way: Massages, laser, pulsed light, color, quartz, Moxas etc. 
Duration of the Acupuncture Effect created by the AP stimulus.
Duration of the Acupuncture Effect, while being partially dependent on the stimulus duration is, however, of uneven value:
Acupuncture Effect of pain-relief obtained by stimulation of short duration, about twenty minutes long of the APs dedicated, by a metal needle is 2-3 days long, this ‘Acupuncture Effect’ increases progressively while the sessions are repeated and condition relieved.     

The AP stimulus in topical and micro-invasive version of Acupuncture Mesopuncture
·        Since the last century, Chinese medicine proposes to use others stimuli in addition to compact classic metal needle: Burial catgut in the AP, ear implant and liquid drug of the pharmacopoeia including painkillers for their both painkilling action and possibly the long duration of their action, such as, hyaluronic acid. We used it for the very long stimulus duration of APs painkillers, for Patients intolerant or addicted to painkillers.

For Mesopuncture Acupuncture, we have:
o   Stimulus by external way: In the topical version, activation of the
'painkiller' AP is realized by external way: massage, waves, heat...
o   Stimulus by single acupuncture needle, in the micro-invasive version: We
could use the acupuncture needle whose diameter is less than conventional hypodermic needle and a lot less painful: For example, in the treatment of trigger points, the acupuncture needle is selected in place of injection needles, more painful.

But the most useful stimulus is a fluid stimulus of the AP or Mesopuncture, proposed since the end of the century.
o   This liquid drug is selected by the Therapist in the pharmacopoeia:
o   The fluid stimulus of the APs in our publication is a liquid drug chosen for its analgesic action, it's a painkiller.
o   The liquid drug, keeping its pharmacological properties, mainly analgesic,
is deposited directly by needle or indirectly by iontophoresis into the connective tissue composing the AP, the connective tissue, is considered as being at origin of the therapeutic properties attributed to Acupuncture in general and APs particularly. 

Micro-invasive or topical analgesia, N°2, by Mesopuncture, Acupuncture

Micro-invasive or topical analgesia, N°2, by Mesopuncture, Acupuncture
Second PART

Choice of a liquid drug:
In analgesic micro-invasive or topical Mesopuncture, the liquid drug used, is selected
·         Either on its pharmacological effect painkiller synergistic of Acupuncture Effect painkiller, created by stimulus of the AP by this liquid drug.
·         Or on duration of its pharmacological effect, particularly if it is not synergistic of the therapeutic properties, the Acupuncture Effect, the Chinese medicine has attributed to this AP, for example using the hyaluronic acid for an Acupuncture Effect of long duration.

Administration mode
·         By external way and topical way, without needles by the iontophoresis apparatus.  
·         By internal micro-invasive way with a short needle, around 13 mm, as thin as the acupuncture needle but hollow and surmounted by a deformable polymer reservoir of half a centimeter wide and a centimeter long, without piston.
Mesopuncture with the needle inserted into the AP, avoids the skin barrier and allows injection of the useful and accurate volume of liquid drug including large molecules.
In Mesopuncture, the stimulus is a liquid analgesic who reached the AP painkiller.

o   The fluid stimulus in Topical Mesopuncture.
The liquid drug is applied topically over the PA: Few drops of a liquid drug are deposited at its skin surface, reaching the connective tissue and the AP, without injection, by iontophoresis.
The liquid drug keeps its pharmacological properties of painkilling and, perhaps by its volume or physicochemical structure, it stimulates the AP painkiller, he had reached… It is the topical Mesopuncture.
 As we have written it, we include in the topical version, the AP stimulus by external way: Massage, Moxas etc..

o   The fluid stimulus in Micro-invasive Mesopuncture.
This administration mode uses micro-injections carried out by hypodermic needle, being at the same time hollow acupuncture needle, for injection into the AP of few drops of a liquid drug, resulting in an Acupuncture Effect by liquid drug stimulus, injected into the AP...
o   Liquid drug stimulus, its Acupuncture Effect duration
Mesopuncture is an Acupuncture version using a liquid drug, at origin of the Acupuncture Effect, often endowed with preserved pharmacological properties, at origin of the Pharmacological Effect of the stimulus.  
Duration of the Acupuncture effect of the liquid drug used to stimulate the AP is dependent, while being uneven, of the stimulus duration created by its injection in this AP.
The stimulus duration itself depends on the physicochemical structure of the liquid drug. 
Duration of pharmacological action of the liquid drug accurately described in the pharmacopoeia for each liquid drug depends on this physicochemical structure, also: Duration of the pharmacological action of the liquid drug lasts the duration of stimulation of the AP by this liquid drug.

 We recall that, for Western medicine, the liquid drug deposited in the AP Mesopuncture is a mode of local administration of drugs, keeping its pharmacological properties having a specific metabolic route as a drug administered locally. All details are described in the full article…

Micro-invasive or topical analgesia, N°3, by Mesopuncture, Acupuncture

Micro-invasive or topical analgesia, N°3, by Mesopuncture, Acupuncture

A stimulus of dual origin activates the AP: Needle stimulus and liquid drug stimulus;
A double therapeutic effect is created: Acupuncture Effect and Pharmacological Effect, this latter due to the preserved pharmacological properties of the liquid drug used.

Insertion into APs painkillers of a very fine and hollow needle, of
the same 0.3mm diameter as the acupuncture needle, qualified acupuncture needle by the FDA because this hollow needle is surmounted by a handle for its use.

This handle is also the deformable reservoir to store the liquid drug sucked by the Therapist through the hollow needle of the device, at the beginning of the session.  The few drops of liquid drug which constitute the AP liquid stimulus come from the drug reservoir.
  • o   Manipulation of the acupuncture needle into this large mass

of connective tissue composing the AP, stimulates the AP and creates the Acupuncture Effect painkiller due to needle stimulus of the AP painkiller.
  • o   Injection, with the needle of the same device, of a few drops of

liquid drug from the reservoir in the AP: by its volume or physicochemical structure, the liquid drug stimulates the painkiller AP and creates the Acupuncture Effect painkiller by liquid stimulus while keeping its pharmacological properties or Pharmacological Effect, usually painkiller, also..

The topical version of Mesopuncture
In its topical version, Mesopuncture uses no needles, it includes:
·         External means for the Acupuncture Effect
The Acupuncture Point stimulus is achieved by external stimulus, needle-free, creating an Acupuncture Effect: Moxas, laser, microwave, pulsating light, massage, magnets, colors, quartz etc. 
·         Iontophoresis for the fluid stimulus and Pharmacologic Effect
(and Acupuncture Effect?).
Contribution of the liquid drug in the AP is achieved without needle.
o   Few drops of the liquid drug chosen by the Therapist, are spread
on the skin, over the AP, on which is applied the iontophoresis apparatus, to allow the liquid drug crossing the skin barrier, knowing that the destiny of this crossing is to reach the connective tissue and the AP: The liquid drug, in the AP, becomes the fluid stimulus of the AP and creates the Acupuncture Effect by fluid stimulus specific of the stimulated AP. 
The liquid drug keeps its general and local pharmacological properties:  It is the Pharmacological Effect, in Mesopuncture.
·         It is also an opportunity for the Patient to be able to renew the
application of the liquid drug with approval from his doctor, if… he has the iontophoresis device.
Micro-invasive version of Mesopuncture
In its micro-invasive version, the device used is the BMN, comprising a hollow needle, 0.3 mm in diameter like the acupuncture needle diameter, surmounted by a reservoir in deformable polymer, 0.15 cc of volume, filled by the Therapist while starting the session and before insertion of this needle. Few drops from this liquid drug are injected into the AP to create the fluid stimulus.

The particularity of the BMN, the reservoir serving both of storage of the liquid drug sucked through the hypodermic needle of this device and for the handle indispensable to perform the insertion of needles, has allowed the FDA to classify this needle in the category: Needle acupuncture.